Friday, October 13, 2006

Those Amazins...

They just keep on blowing my mind. Speaking of blowing, this is a very possibly coked out and/or homo-erotic team video from 86. I'd imagine today's version would be slightly less gay with some more merengue.

Off to Happy Valley for the weekend where the Wolverines will hopefully still pull it off without Super Mario Manningham. Could be trouble, just like what JoePa did to those Fuckeyes when they rolled into Beaver Stadium without a loss last year. Come to think of it, Michigan had such a nasty win with no time left last year, that this is way more massive than I was understanding just moments ago. 8pm game in conjunction with my 2pm arrival should equal one nasty drunk Michigan fan who will need multiple visits to the urinal. I will be returning on Monday and hopefully it will be in a blaze of victory glory. I try not to let sports rule my life and control the beating of my heart, but this is a damn crazy important weekend in my world of fandom.


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